Happy May Day!

As a festival of spring, May Day originated in 1886. Now it’s a traditional holiday in many European cultures celebrated on the first day of May.  Flowers, food, singing, and dancing are often part of the festivities.  Young women wearing flowers and ribbons can be seen dancing around a May pole. It’s a day when neighbors and friends might come together to enjoy warm spring air and fresh flowers.

Growing up, my brothers and I made May Day baskets for our mother.  We looked for bright yellow dandelions and assorted wildflowers in our backyard. They were then placed near the front door. After ringing the bell, it was time to run and hide. So glad we have those memories!

A favorite activity of others is to plant spring flowers to celebrate new growth. Remember that perennials will return each season, while annuals are enjoyed just for a single season.

If you’re looking for more ways to scatter kindness, leave a May basket on a neighbor’s doorstep.  Include  a short “Happy May Day” note to brighten their day.


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