Valentine Challenge

Chocolates?  Special dinner?  A little box of conversation hearts?

We may have received and treasured them all, but what if this Valentine’s Day was the one where you surprised a perfect stranger with a small token of love.

Buy a bag of little chocolate hearts and put a few in your pocket.  Whether you are at school, work, or out on an errand, drop off a heart in a conspicuous place — on a desk or at a restaurant inside the folder when you’ve paid your bill.  Better yet, hand a heart to someone and simply say “Here’s a little treat for you” or “Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!”

In how many places can you scatter some Valentine kindness?



1 reply
  1. Mary O'Connor
    Mary O'Connor says:

    I love your concept of spreading kindness. I got my McDonalds paid for one day by the car in front of me, and that pay it forward concept was awesome to be the recipient of that. I love to spread kindness but now and again I feel lost like I need a focus since I retired I would like to help others like myself to make a difference. You just gave me some good ideas!


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