(By Guest Blogger, Cynthia Brian, from her book “Be The Star You Are” Millennials To Boomers)
Life expectancy has changed dramatically since the time of the Roman Empire, when the average lifespan was 22 to 25 years. In 1900, the world average was 30, while in America a male could expect to live to 46 and a female to 48. Fast forward a hundred years to millennials born in 2000, where the average man is expected to live to 75 and average woman to 80.
The world’s highest life expectancy is found in Japan according to statistics gathered from the United Nations for 2005-2010. What characteristics set them apart from the rest of the world’s population? An Okinawa Centenarian Study found that elders are laid back, adaptable, optimistic, and rely on strong family and friend connections plus deep spiritual beliefs. They also follow a low calorie diet and eat …
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