Time To Scatter Kindness Again

Now that we are out and about again, the time has returned for anonymously scattering kindness. In case you’ve forgotten how, here are a few possibilities.

  • Jot down a phrase like “You Are Appreciated” or “You Are Really Good At What You Do” on a notecard and leave it on the table when paying your tab
  • Buy a box of popsicles and drop them off at a shelter – no receipt needed
  • Leave boxes of colored chalk on paved trails with a note “Create A Kind Message”
  • Surprise your spouse or friend with a bouquet of flowers or their favorite drink
  • Keep some dollar bills in your pocket or purse to hand to a homeless person
  • Drop a gift bag on your neighbors doorstep filled with treats and a note to “Enjoy”
  • Buy that cup of coffee or ice cream treat for the car behind you at the drive-thru
  • Show

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Remembering Dad

I wish I could more vividly remember our conversations on the afternoons when we ate ice cream together. Or the evenings drying dishes when I wore your slippers.  A photo taken in the parking lot of an amusement park reminds me of the day I won a big plush dog, and I can feel the excitement in your eyes. You were the most important person in my life.

Because you’ve been gone for more than 35 years, it’s hard to recall the details of what I know were many days when you made me very happy.  I didn’t know how I would go on without you in my life. But I did. And when I look up into the beautiful blue sky, I can often see your kind smile.

Happy Father’s Day, Dad!


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Congratulations Kindergarteners!

“You made me smile today” were the first words I heard when joining an amazing group of kindergarteners at their graduation celebration.

After a year of in-school, on-line, and everything in-between, students at Partnership Academy in Richfield, Minnesota marched to a nearby park to enjoy ice cream and some surprises.  Kudos to their teachers and staff who found ways to model and communicate so many important values to their students.

Filled with kindness and pure delight, these graduates can make our dreams of a better world come true!




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Who Do You Want To Thank?

Surprise a hero in your life with a tangible message of gratitude.  The “Thankerchief” is a clever creation of HandkerchiefHeroes.com.  Filled with inspirational quotes, the borders proclaim thanks in 56 languages. In addition to its many uses, a Thankerchief is a lasting reminder of your gratitude.

While sure to be appreciated at any time, seems like the perfect gift if you’re blessed to have a father figure in your life — note: Father’s Day is June 20.  Thankerchiefs are just $10 and can be sent anywhere in the USA along with your personal message.

A few of my favorite quotes included on a Thankerchief:

“You cannot do a kindness too soon because you never know how soon it will be too late.  Ralph Waldo Emerson

“Fall seven times, stand up eight”  Japanese proverb

“If the only prayer you say in your whole life is ‘Thank
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Raise A Roof

Over 1.5 million children in Kenya are living without a family. Providing hope to those who have been orphaned is the mission of Open Arms in Eldoret, Kenya. They are partnering with 200 Orphanages Worldwide to create new roofs for ten homes in the village where abandoned children live.

Ten-year-old Wilson was taking care of his three younger siblings, all living in a slum, after their mother was paralyzed and being deserted by their father. Thanks to a social worker, these kids were moved into a village where they are cared for and given an education.

Open Arms built this village so that kids without families to support them can still thrive and grow. One by one, they are updating ten older buildings needing new roofs so that the 250 children in their care can have a brighter future.

If you wish to help give kids a safe place to …
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The Most Beautiful Women

The most beautiful women I have seen…..

They are not those in a magazine, no. They are the ones I have seen
going to the lake to wash clothes, bringing their children and even the
dog, carrying washing tubs on their heads. Or those who, despite their
problems, sit on the sidewalk to chat for a few minutes, laughing out
loud, or just to rest.

The strongest women I have seen….

They have not set a Guinness world record. They are the ones I have
seen walking with dignity but with a sad look on their face because of
some problem: economic, moral or within the family. Despite this, she is
fighting and trying to continue on. Waking up early to cook, clean and
take the kids to school. Some have to go to work or clean for other
people, always smiling, although her soul is in a thousand pieces.…
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A Trail of Kindness

Walking among the stunning natural red rock formations in Sedona, Arizona is like experiencing beautiful works of art come to life.  Early morning hikes provide solitude with an occasional chirping melody or gentle breeze.  Prickly pear cactus, often seen along the way, add a sense of uniqueness.

While hiking to Boynton Canyon, the magical sounds of a flute player can be heard coming from the summit.  A kind gentleman makes it his life’s purpose to bring incredible music to these spiritual grounds.  Before travelers depart, he gives each person the gift of a hand-carved, red stone heart which he creates.  His wish, like ours, is simply to scatter kindness everywhere we go.




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Celebrating May Day!

The beginning of May often signifies the start of brighter and warmer days.  May Day emerged in 1886 as an ancient festival of spring. Currently, it’s a traditional holiday in many European cultures celebrated on the first day of May.  Flowers, food, singing, and dancing are often part of the festivities.  Young women wearing flowers and ribbons can be seen dancing around a May pole. It’s a day when neighbors and friends might come together to enjoy warm spring air and fresh flowers.

Growing up, my brothers and I made May Day bouquets for our mother.  We looked for bright yellow dandelions and assorted wildflowers in our backyard. They were then placed near the front door. After ringing the bell, it was time to run and hide. Mom hasn’t forgotten the thrill of those unexpected surprises, and we continue to bring her flowers every May Day.

Another favorite activity is …
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Why Are People Kind?

Ever get a warm, fuzzy feeling while witnessing a simple act of kindness?  Research published in the US Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggests even reading about kind acts can result in contagious kindness.

Positive News reports that things like giving up your seat on the bus to a stranger, makes the giver feel good. Kind acts done often enough become part of our identity, making us feel proud of who we are.

“Kindness is the social glue that connects individuals” notes the organization, Random Acts of Kindness. Volunteering or donating to an interesting cause can open up a new circle of connections.

Human brains are hardwired for empathy, say psychologists at the University of Virginia. So cheering up someone else makes us feel good too. And kindness is attractive — in a study of more than 10,000 people, kindness ranked above physical attractiveness when asked about preferences in …
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Unexpected Joy — A Swan Story

An unexpected surprise came our way early Saturday morning when a pair of trumpeter swans appeared on the little lake behind our home.  For more than thirty years, we’ve watched geese, ducks, and colorful birds appear out our window.  Swans we saw only in books.

Before long, neighbors appeared lakeside, and wide-eyed children couldn’t comprehend what they were witnessing. Photos aimed at capturing this phenomenon could not totally grasp the feelings of this incredible happening. For almost an hour, we watched these amazing creatures glide across the water and eventually take flight.

In doing a bit of research, we discovered this pair probably mated for life. In the 1930s, fewer than 100 trumpeter swans remained south of Canada. More recent efforts have focused on reintroducing the species to areas thought to be part of the former breeding range which includes Minnesota.  In 2015, an estimated 17,000 trumpeter swans were spotted …
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