A New Year

Hearing the words You Are Appreciated is one of the simplest and most uplifting phrases around. It goes leaps and bounds beyond saying “thanks.”

You make it personal, especially if said with gusto.  Being Appreciated means you’re not being taken for granted.  Saying these three words can easily become a daily habit if we look for opportunities. Such an easy way to get your New Year off to a great start.

And if you took the time to read this post, You Are Appreciated!


“There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread.”

                                                      – Mother Teresa





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‘Tis The Season To Be Kind

Share some holiday kindness! Drop off warm socks, hats or candy canes at a shelter. Ask someone about their favorite charity and make a donation in their honor.  Leave a thank you note for a server.  Simply scatter some joy.

This week we will all make memories. Which ones we wish to cherish is up to us. Often it’s the unexpected little things that bring laughter or tears whenever we remember them. During the holidays, look for the little moments that might turn into your never-to-be-forgotten memories.

The gifts we tend to remember are those which are wrapped with love.

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Scattering Kindness in South Sudan

During this wonderful time of year, we often like to remember special people in our lives with tokens of our love or friendship.  If you’re looking for an easy and yet very meaningful way to give gifts to others, especially those who don’t need another fancy wrapped present, here’s an idea for you.

Any donation you make will be used to help provide a student in South Sudan with an opportunity to gain a college education. As one student recently noted “I want to break the chain of poverty through education.”

Printable certificates are available at Padoc Area Scholars Society (southsudanpass.org)

Why choose this charity? —  About – Padoc Area Scholars Society (southsudanpass.org)
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How Will You Give Thanks?

During this month of giving thanks, we have so many choices as to where we will spread our words and our dollars.  There’s no limit on how many times we can say thank you, but giving funds requires a bit more thought.

This year, I’ve decided that education is my number one priority.

As to where to give, I want to support the students who reside in South Sudan, which is now rated the poorest country in the world (Global Finance Magazine). The Padoc Area Scholars Society (PASS) provides full-tuition college scholarships to qualified students as well as an allowance for books and school supplies.  A donation of as little as $36 covers the cost of the first month of a college education.

What drew me to this organization was meeting the co-founders and hearing the words of a student who said “I want to break the chain of …
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One of the best phrases I’ve learned from hanging out with kindergarteners is “Oh well, maybe next time.”  Recently parents were invited to join students for the first hour of their school day. As I said Good Morning to one little boy sitting alone, he replied “My Mom has to work today — oh well, maybe next time.”

Those words give us hope for tomorrow.  Doesn’t matter if it’s about losing a sporting event, finding your favorite restaurant closed, or what happens to us nearly every day.

The definition of hope is “A desire for a certain thing to happen.”  Whatever you face today, choose hope for tomorrow.

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One Kind Word

Just one kind word can turn a difficult day into one to remember.  Bonus benefit is you know you scattered some kindness.

Can’t think of a word?  Here are a few possibilities:

You are appreciated.

     You are amazing.

     You are wise.

     You are talented.

       You are kind.

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Playing Pickleball

If you look around for examples of kindness, you will find them almost everywhere – even on a pickleball court.   My husband and I now begin most mornings playing pickleball.  We were fortunate to find nearby courts and a couple of folks willing to show us the basics.  After that, we became hooked on this popular sport.

While playing doubles with people we had never met, I’ve observed the great number of positive comments, even when a ball goes far from where it was intended. And when winning a challenging volley, the accolades make you feel like you won a million dollars.

It’s about people sharing a kind word to opponents.  That’s what makes the game fun, and the world just a little bit better place to be.

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Who Needs A Pencil?

Imagine walking into a kindergarten classroom on the first day of school and noticing a child with paper but no pencil.  It’s possible his family couldn’t afford to buy everything on the school supply list.  Likely his teacher will quickly provide all the tools needed to learn from her own stash of supplies purchased for that very reason.

Because teachers are grooming the future of our world, we need to support their efforts.  Classrooms everywhere can use more little things like pencils and crayons.  You don’t have to be asked to go school supply shopping.  Pick up a pack of pencils next time you’re out and drop them off at a local school on the first day of classes.  And don’t forget to smile at all the scared kids while you’re there!

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The Gifts of Summer

All around us are the gifts of summer.  Look up to see a magnificent blue sky.  Ask a kid what they see in the clouds. Those fortunate enough to live in a place where there is just the right amount of sunshine and rain are truly blessed.

A daily dose of sun and a sprinkling of water can turn tiny flower pots into amazing portraits.  Add to that a cup of kindness, and you have the perfect summer.


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Poorest of the Poor

The country now ranked as the poorest in the world for 2023 is South Sudan where people live in desperate poverty and where a poorly educated workforce limits their capacity.

Addressing this tremendous need is the Padoc Area Scholars Society.  College education is amazingly inexpensive in South Sudan compared to any other country in the world. Scholarships are provided based on need and merit to students pursuing four-year university degrees and three-year technical college degrees. Scholarships cover tuition, books and transportation costs.  Donors can choose from several levels of sponsorship starting at $36 per month.

Students Awaiting Scholarships

Many students would love to pursue a college education, but need our support to make that happen. You can see photos and descriptions of those waiting here. Sponsors have the opportunity/option to correspond with the sponsored student via email to learn about their life journey and experience the satisfaction of truly …
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